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Saturday 23 June 2012


WOO HOO!!! MyHogwarts is finally opening late June!! Only 7 days left, I am super duper excited!!
For those who don't know and absouletly lovveeee Harry Potter, MyHogwarts is a fictional school created by fans  where  you can learn stuff like Potions, The Defence of the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms and more!

Here's their FB page:

(Oh and sorry for not updating for a long time, i'm currently studying for my mid-year now! Wish me luck! :)

What house are you guys???? I WANNA KNOW!!! XD
comment or
tweet me @em1ly_tan :)


Saturday 16 June 2012


Hey peeps!!!! I am DYING to go to the Big Bang Concert in 27th October!!!!! T.O.P and his sexy voice makes me swoon(excuse me for  going all fangirl here XD)

Here's a pic of them!
For those who don't know their concert in Malaysia is during 27th October and is going to be held at Stadium Merdeka. Ticketing information hasn't been released yet :(

comment below or tweet me @em1ly_tan if you're excited too! ;)

Hope to see you there! 


Friday 15 June 2012

3 random facts about me

Hey guys, i just did this for fun. Hope the facts about me don't scare you away, but you might think that some of them are weird! Do you guys do stuff like this too?comment or  tweet me @emi2day!

1. I like to play online dress up games even though i'm already 13
You know, the kind with the cartoon and the dresses and stuff. I know this is really weird but what can I       say, (i'm a weird person)

2. I am a HUGE blusher
I blush like mad all the time! I wish i could control it, like if i like a guy, whenever i talk to him or even if he just walks by I will be as red as a tomato!

3.I'm scared of balls
I really am! Like during P.E. We were playing dodge ball and someone from the other team hit the ball really really hard and it came bouncing in my direction and i was screaming my lungs out and trying to run away but it got hit by the ball anyways.

Let me know about random facts about you guys! Would love to hear it! <3
Comment or tweet me @em1ly_tan :)

Emily <3

hello. blogging world!

Hey guys! I'm really excited about blogging! Okay so i know the title says "Girl In The Street" but i don't actually live in the street okay...........

I know that this blog sucks but gimmie some time to ramp it up a bit, this blog is sorta gonna be an insight in my life, since twitter has a limit to 140 characters (who can write something interesting in so few characters??) BTW, follow my twitter @em1ly_tan(i know it sounds lame, it seems that i wasn't that bright back then when i made my twitter account) or send an email to

I'll try my best to update this once a week, i always tell myself that i'm gonna update but i always forget. So if i go awhile without updating this blog, tweet me, message me or even e-mail me reminding me to UPDATE!!!!

anywhos, comment and let me know if there are any fun tags i can do? 
